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Posts published in “Dr. Zack”

Nine Secret U.S. Prisons Worse Than Guantanamo A summary of the known abuses, locations and facts regarding these sites. [Text]

Democratic Senator Talks Honest Graft

Honest Graft –  From an interview with Democratic state senator, George Plunkitt (1842-1924) There’s an honest graft, and I’m an example of how it works.…

Friday Night at Universal CityWalk On Friday nights, people around the world leave their offices to fill their innards with cheese fries and booze to put the pain of the working…

Dancing to the Music of the Cosmos The planets move in exquisite orbital patterns which are more mathematical and geometrically harmonious than most people realize. [text]

Middle Class Continues To Disappear Under Obama What has Wall Street puppet Barack Obama done for the working class and the poor?
