A new study shows that less than 6% of groundwater is replenished within 50 years.
A new study shows that less than 6% of groundwater is replenished within 50 years.
So where will Nestle go when they’ve drained all the water from Sacramento?
There’s always India–if Coca Cola has left any.
They’ll probably start “harvesting” it straight out of the clouds.
In some places governments have almost done this: they’ve prohibited the collection of rain water.
Disgusting. Look for Monsantoâ„¢ logos to be lasered onto every squirrel and chipmunk in Yosemite, as a way to “give back to America this holiday season.”
Ho, ho, ho, Monsanto! Thanks for all the Agent Orange! Thanks for all the White Phosphorus! Thanks for all the Roundup! Thanks for dicking around with our DNA building blocks! Thanks for disenfranchising us Homo Sapiens as a herd!