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Posts published in “Essays”

Looking For Elusive New Deal Art

Determined to see another example of mural art by Ben Cunningham, the artist who painted the mural in the Ukiah Post Office, I trekked to Coit Tower in San Francisco. There, my Internet research assured…

Meanwhile, In Crescent City

As Americans prepared to celebrate Independence Day, inmates in solitary confinement at California's Pelican Bay State Prison are standing up for their rights in the only way they can by going on hunger strike. The…

Lives Unlived

I am reading The Collected Stories of Frank O’Connor for the third time in twelve years. Enough time has passed since my last reading of his remarkable stories so I have forgotten sufficient details and plot twists and endings to make the stories new to me again; and in some ways they are better than new because I know them now as I know favorite pieces of music or beloved paintings, and in this further experience of them I discover more and more of the genius they contain.

Pure Victims, Real Human Beings

Straight from Riker’s Island to the Elysée? There’s a political arc worthy of Brecht and Weill! Dominique Strauss-Kahn was sprung from house arrest in Manhat­tan last Friday and his supporters in France are agitating for…

Highlights from Mendo’s 4th of July Parade

We got there early.  Set up camp in the back of a friend's pick-up and awaited the show.   Our buddy the Fire Chief and his family. My 7th grade Civics teacher telling it like…

Summertime. And The Livin’s Easy.

This morning, his dad brought him over at 10am.  We chilled for a minute.  Getting our cuddles in.  Then, we were off.  I had heard about a Book Sale at the Fort Bragg Library and…

Thus Spake Angelina

I used to hate it when I predicted something long in advance of when it happened, and then no one remembered I predicted it or believed me when I insisted I predicted the thing.
