Before the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors got down to the equivalent of a bake sale on the Titanic's poop deck last Tuesday, a group of gray-haired Ukiahans made their case that Mendo should seriously…
Posts published in “Essays”
After last week's County Redistricting Committee meeting was adjourned, Supervisor Dan Hamburg ambled in to privately discuss the Committee’s work with a few of the people in the room. Hamburg had not attended any previous…
Clover never lived in Ukiah, but remarkable circumstances resulted in her life beginning and ending in Ukiah. It began in Ukiah because salesman Perry Young with his pregnant wife Claire drove here to attend a…
The months following my discharge from John's employ were hard ones, on me and those around me. I was living with an engaging and bright woman in San Francisco, estranged from my wife and family, and I was floundering.
County CEO Carmel Angelo informed the Supervisors that the County’s ever-larger debt is again ever-larger. “Complicating the budget picture is a change in accounting methodology related to the Teeter Program for the FY 2009-10 Audit,”…
Having spent many weeks amidst the Strauss-Kahn case listening the locals assert that America's justice is superior to France's, we're now pitchforked into the next debate: could US journalism sink to the septic depths of…
Following the breakup of CCR, John kept me employed for another four years or so. We moved out of the “Factory” and set up shop in a temporary office on San Pablo Avenue in Albany.