“Oh, the women, the women!” cried the old soldier. “I know them by their romantic imagination. Everything that savors of mystery charms them.” — Alexandre Dumas Last Thursday evening, as I was about to go…
Posts published in “Essays”
Three decades ago, medical and public health students at UCLA were sometimes taken on a tour of an old hospital ward, previously dedicated to women suffering the aftereffects of illegal abortions.
Barack Obama was in Brasilia on March 19, 2011, when he announced with limited fanfare the latest war of his young presidency. The bombing of Libya had begun with a hail of cruise missile attacks and air strikes.
I had to bring a bad alternator over the hill to Ukiah last Thursday. I wasn't sure if it was dead on my first alternator related trip the day before, riding the Mendocino Transit Authority…
I arrived at the camp and waltzed into a private room with my brother and roommates, Artie and Lance. We were on the third floor of B-unit, overlooking the ball field and groves of pine and eucalyptus. Robbin had everything set up for me. He showed up in the middle of my check-in and immediately started harassing the guard (aka “hack”) in the good natured manner at which he excels.
It is surely one of the great strategic screw-ups in the history of war and intelligence analysis. In March, after the second UN Security Council resolution used by NATO to launch its bombing campaign, the…
As last week's meeting wound down, the Supervisors delivered their typically terse, minimally-informative “supervisors reports.” Pinches sits on the Mendocino Transit Authority Board, but he’s on record that he thinks the MTA is wasting millions…