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Posts published in “Essays”

Sexual Comportment

You may have heard about Cynthia Daily, a social worker using an interweb directory to keep track of all the children fathered by the same sperm donor who fathered her child.

Cornel West & Cigarettes

#1. Watch this and share it with all your friends. It really is Cornel West speaking about the 40th Anniversary of the Attica uprising and the political situation at present. #2. Today is day 2…

Dad’s Two Week Notice

The surprise visit from our landlord’s main man was not appreciated. Good thing I was midway through vac­uuming up all the baking soda I’d sprinkled on our now multi-animal soaked and defecated carpet when I…

The Wasteland

Across two evenings this week, we’ve been offered America’s future in a couple of visions. Neither of them offered the prime vitamin of bearable politics, the prom­ise of good cheer and a better life at…

Spy Rock Memories, Part 9

Everything did change, not all at once, not in an obvious, visible way, at least at first, but the wheels were already in motion. Life on Spy Rock unfolded peacefully and quietly through the rest…

Clean Up Your Act, Burning Man; Show Us The Money

Last week, over 50,000 people gathered in a Nevada high desert for a big carnival called Burning Man. “Why aren't you at Burning Man right now?” is a common question asked of those who are…

Wrong Thinking

One of my Anthropology professors was Nigerian, his people Yoruba. An exceptional student as a child, he was sent to school in England and eventually got his PhD from a prestigious American university.
