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Posts published in “Essays”

St. Mary’s Hospital: A Love Letter

The morning of July 23rd I woke up with a stomachache. By noon the stomachache was bending me in half but, like a true child of the 50s — no blood, no injury — I…

But What About The Letters?

Last Wednesday night the Community Services District board convened to hear public comment on the healing center proposed by Laura Hamburg for downtown Boonville. Most Boonville people, if not all of them, believe Ms. Hamburg…

Where’s Judge Lehan?

The Fort Bragg Advocate-News published a lengthy compilation of accused double-murderer/fugitive Aaron Bassler’s criminal record last week. The clear primary features of Bassler’s criminal history over about 15 years since he graduated from high school…

Memo Of The Week

Dear Postal Customer: This letter is an informational notice of the US Postal Service's intent to conduct an Area Mail Processing study of mail processing facilities to determine whether consolidation of some operations is appropriate.…

The Working Class Stranger

“Carl Oglesby dies at 76; led Students for a Democ­ratic Society,” was the headline on the obit in the LA Times. The description of SDS seems accurate (although nobody ever called it “the SDS”): “The…

Is Fascism Coming To America? If So, Dressed As What?

But first, a simple rule for killers: If you are going to murder someone in the United States, don’t try to get the job done in Texas. Keep your captive alive in the car till…

Eviction, Migration, Notice of Violation

Arcata’s Sai Center saga saw an eventful week recently as proprietor Steven Gasparas was evicted from his longtime lair, moved his cannabis business to a storefront on a Plaza block without a permit, was served…
