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Posts published in “Essays”

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Hopefully you’re enjoying the spirit of the Holidays and may Hummingbird and I wish you and yours the very best of health…

Turning Tricks; Cashing In On Fear

In the early 1970s the UN spearheaded the progressive notion of a new world economic order, one that would try to level the playing field between the First World and the Third. The neoliberal onslaughts…

Traffic Stops Gone Bad

The subject of the 4am hour of Pat Thurston's KGO Radio Show of Saturday, December 5,  was excessive traffic fines. Ms. Thurston complained that it seemed like traffic fines in California had become unreasonable what…

More MSM Madness

I've gotten some interesting--though not unpredictable--responses to an essay I wrote a few weeks ago about how the term "mainstream media" is used as political code and sloganeering rather than as a smart critique of…

The Calendar Girl Conspiracy

Marilyn Monroe once said, “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle.” This easily would have qualified her for an ADHD diagnosis…

Civil Rights & Wrongs In ‘The Golden State’

The legendary American abolitionist Frederick Douglass observed in the 1800s that "Power concedes nothing without demand. It never did and it never will." And thus the long legacy of conflict whenever the status quo is…

Bernie the Quitter Fools Us Again

Vermont’s Senator Bernie Sanders spoke for months about his “historic” efforts to get a vote on a single-payer health care bill in the Senate. While we all knew the outcome was going to be a…

Spy Rock Memories, Part 2

In my younger days I had a habit that I thought was amusing but which I imagine most people found very annoying. It consisted of making up stories — okay, you could be uncharitable and…
