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Posts published in “Essays”

Pathological Greed & Electric

Repeat after me. Pacific Gas and Electric is not a public utility. They would like us to think they are a public utility, but they are not. PG&E is a huge amoral corporation owned by…

Annual Report: Headwaters Fund Has More

Millions of dollars of Humboldt County’s Headwa­ters Fund have been spent on community projects but because of loan repayments and interest, the fund’s total amount has grown. Outgoing Headwaters Fund Board Chairman Pat­rick Cleary told…

Schadenfreude for the Masses: ‘I Am SO Sorry’

I’m sorry, so sorry.... Please accept my apology... — Brenda Lee, 1960 It’s apology season. Maybe it's like the Catholic church, you go and con­fess, you are absolved and free to sin again. It's as…

God’s Work Ethic

Protestant guilt-work ethic? A cruel deception prom­ulgated by the rich, the bosses, the early versions of the corporate exec who sits on his ass collecting bonuses while cutting the pay of the poor schmucks who…

Will Kenny Rogers Get A New Trial?

The latest attorney for disgraced Mendo Republican Kenny Rogers, who was convicted last summer of hiring a hitman to kill a political adversary, is claiming that Rogers' last attorney so thoroughly botched his defense that the case deserves another try.

A Very Simple Proposal

The Groundswell following Dave Smith’s generous “Draft Scaramella for Supervisor” suggestion has been, ahem, less than underwhelming. Not one letter of support has been received for publication. And I think four, maybe five, people have…

Dead Man Walking In California: Loose in Obamalandia

First stop was the near north woods, Humboldt County USA, to wheedle the medicos into granting me a clean bill of health before I hit the road. A year ago this February, my doctor who…

Bird’s Eye View By Turkey Vulture

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comforta­bly then I shall begin. First an update from the world of higher education. AVHS alum Cassidy Hollinger, currently a freshwoman at the illustrious Vassar Col­lege in…

Rehearsals For A Civil War

The Tea Party appeals to the swelling numbers of the new former middle class angry at the sudden van­ishing of their accustomed perks and entitlements to a predictably comfortable suburban existence. They're mad at the government and hot for “liberty.” But how do they propose to maintain the hyper-complexities of suburban life without taxes to pay for fixing the countless roads their lives depend on or to run the gold-plated central school districts that seem to exist solely to provide Friday night football?
