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Posts published in “Essays”

Roots & Eggs

“Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet.” — Will Holt Lemon trees growing near the kitchen. What a wonderful idea. So we chose the perfect spots on the south side of the…

River Views

May 15th is the day Emily Dickinson died. She hadn’t left her Amherst, Massachusetts home in 21 years. Perhaps it will be of some solace to struggling poets to know that scarcely ten of her…

In Loving Memory Of Henry Hill

The first thing I saw when I arrived at Henry Hill’s memorial was a live pink poodle on a leash with a pink haired lady in a pink satin blouse on the other end (Jonesy).…

Blast From the Past: A Wasteful Watershed Meeting, July, 1995

(Note: This is a typical report from a "watershed group" meeting almost 20 years ago to discuss the status of a "study" costing hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars which produced nothing but a "report"…

Poisons To Rethink

Round-Up® (Glyphosate) The myth that glyphosate disappears harmlessly soon after application is misleading. Glyphosate kills plants by chelating the same minerals vital to all life, which is why it has been associated with laboratory and…

The High Cost Of Pot Clean-Up

Environmentally harmful marijuana production has again been documented, this time before the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, and a state official has estimated that it will cost between $3 million and $5 million…

The Organs Of Houston

Any musician on the road, especially one who plays the organ, frequently confronts the contrast between suburban periphery and urban center—or what’s left of it. Typically the best instruments are in venerable churches in the…
