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Posts published in “Essays”

Farm To Farm

Sunday afternoon was another perfect day for possi­bly accomplishing something, but I spent most of the afternoon mentally and physically preparing for a trial run for our farm's upcoming Variety Show act. Scores of people…

Jill Ravitch & Bruce Anderson on Glenn Sunkett

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about Glenn Sunkett's problems firing public defender Linda Thompson. In the following excerpt from this week's Off the Record, prosecutor Jill Ravitch and AVA editor Bruce Anderson weigh…

The Night Of The Living Deadheads

One of my college friends was a Deadhead. He had crates of cassette tapes with labels like “Bucknell, 1971”, Stanford 1973”; “Fillmore East 1970.”  Of an eve­ning he would navigate through these hundreds of cas­settes…

Bird’s Eye View By Turkey Vulture

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Let’s start with the Public Service Announcements. #131. I am told that Variety Show tickets are available at Lemons’ Market in Philo…

Desert Blooms

Due to plentiful winter rains, the desert southwest is planning for a bombastic display of desert flowers sometime in early April. A full desert bloom only happens once every few years. But when it does,…

Howard ‘Howie’ Zinn

Bologna, Italy -- As most who read this will know, Howard Zinn died on January 27. Like all who knew and worked with him, I called him Howie. As I do so now, I cannot…

What They Forgot to Mention About Olympic Skier Julia Mancuso

This winter’s Olympics have seen the usual sentimen­tal media saturation of weepy or aw-shucks back stories on the athletes. Overcoming adversity is often the theme: Canadian figure skater Joannie Rochette soldiered on to win the…

Our Fathers

It's still hard for some locals to accept that 150 years ago — five generations, a historical blip — Hum­boldt County was controlled by genocidaires. Our illus­trious forefathers, the settlers of this county, were, in…
