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Posts published in “Essays”

From the World Food File: Brain Vegetable

My pops and his lovely lady are in Jamaica right now, where they're eating something called Brain Vegetable. This just in, from the AVA's intriguing foreign foods desk: "Akee when boiled, drained and simmered in…

In the Name of Love, Buy the Record

"Speed me into a wedding so I can stop being a threat to the women of the world.” According to Will Stenberg, lead man of the local rock band The Kerosene Kondors, your incentive to…

Time To Grow Up Oakland

Muhammad Diop was shot down in cold blood in front of his house on 864 31st street in Oakland on Thursday March 4th at 7:30pm. Muhammad Diop was murdered by the pervasive culture of violence in Oakland that is gripping our inner-cities nationwide.

Going Amateur: B-Ball on the Mendo Coast

The school gymnasium is just as you remember it: The smell of sweat, the smell of fear; the childhood anguish of an evil room where cross-armed coaches and lesbian gym teachers reside, shouting orders and…

Eco Libs & Eco Grain

I was reading National Geographic this morning and noticed an ad the featured something called Eco Grain. “What in tarnation is Eco Grain?” the headline said. Well, according to the ad, it is grown on…

Think Locally, Invest Locally

Not long ago the Ukiah Daily Journal ran an unsigned "In Our Opinion" column entitled "Back to the market we go." The columnist advised readers that, although investing in the stock market involves risk, as…

Feed Pete Peterson To The Whales

Call him, just for now, Spartacus. He was two years old when the slavers captured him in 1982 and hauled him off to Oak Bay, near the town of Victoria, on Vancouver Island, British Columbia,…

Spy Rock Memories, Part 3

All right, maybe I exaggerated a little bit. There were a few weeks of spring before summer hit with full superheated force. As I was to learn (and re-learn, year after year), freezing weather can…
