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Posts published in “Essays”

The Bogus Hispanic Crime Wave

Nothing more easily elicits roars of assent across a good slice of the political spectrum than the hoarse alarms that wave after wave of brown-skinned illegals continually flood across the border, plunging neighborhoods and whole…

Farm To Farm

“What we need to start doing,” somebody recently told me, “is start getting back to a bartering system. Get away from dependence on the dollar bill.” “Yeah,” I said, several times, finally picking up a…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comforta­bly then I shall begin. Well, once again I attended both evenings of the annual Variety Show and, although I assume another roving reporter from the AVA…

It’s A Long Way To Tucumcari

A logical first stop for snowbirds returning from Arizona to the Upper Midwest is Tucumcari, New Mexico, a little town big enough for a McDonald’s but too small for a Walmart. Having put on 608…

Undercover Agents

A current controversial federal law allows product manufacturers to withhold the identity of untested chemicals from the public if the manufacturer has rea­son to believe that such public knowledge could harm business — and even…

Evidence of Corruption Emerges: North Coast Enviros Blast MLPA

John and Barbara Stephens-Lewallen, Mendocino County's leading environmental activist couple, demanded that the Schwarzenegger administration stop the corrupt, fast-track Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative in a letter they presented to the MLPA Blue Ribbon…

Obits For Sale

Like most daily newspapers these days, the San Francisco Chronicle is hustling to increase declining profit margins. But let me offer some advice to my former employer: Quit gouging grieving readers as part of your…

Facebookin’ for DA

The Godzilla of social networking sites is apparently a prerequisite for Mendo's DA candidates.
