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Posts published in “Essays”

An Open Letter to President Obama: Eat, Pray, Be Disappointed

Dear President Obama, It seems that the theme emanating from the White House is “Eat, Pray, Be Disappointed.” And yet, when­ever I do feel disappointed, I always realize that the alternative was John McCain, with…

‘The Way We’ve Always Done It’

In the Anderson Valley, there's futbol and there's football.
The football people think their football isn't get ting a fair shake.

The Volcano in the Kitchen

Today was our day to do nothing.  No school for him.  No work for me.  No important errands to run.  No play-dates to be on time for.  So we were busy. He was up early…

The Soros Syndrome

George Soros announced a few weeks ago that he is giving $100 million to Human Rights Watch — condi­tional on the organization to find a match­ing $100 mil­lion a year from other donors for ten…

Henry Miller: Big Sur’s Best Ambassador

Re-reading the favorite books of one’s youth can be dangerous, or at least disappointing. They rarely measure up to the image and influence they had upon first encounter. That has too often been my sad experience, at least. But Henry Miller has been a happy exception.


I have never heard of a workshop for writers that teaches the efficacious use of sex to make it big in thea tre or publishing or the movie business, but any writer who has toiled in Hollywood or New York or in the out posts of those Babylons knows that sexual linkage to people in power is of paramount importance to success in The Biz; and anyone who denies this is either a phony or grossly naïve.

Panther Soccer 2010

The Wildcats from Calistoga High School were the visitors to Tom Smith Field in Boonville last Wednesday (Oct 6th) afternoon to play what would be a pivotal game in deciding the eventual league championship. Together…

Killing Trees in San Clemente

Historical San Francisco/LA cultural antagonism (“Don’t call it Frisco”) is a quaint relic of a bygone era, or is it? Recently, when I came south for work on a movie project, an old friend up…

Non-Psychoactive Pot? CBD-Rich Cannabis Seized in California Raids

Mahmoud Elsohly, PhD, is best known for supervis­ing the only federally-sanctioned cannabis grow site in the U.S., a one-acre plot on the University of Mississippi campus. ElSohly also has a lucrative contract with the National…
