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Posts published in “Essays”

Farm to Farm

On Saturday morning the boys made a beeline for the Boonville Farmers' Market once they'd stuffed their guts on blueberry pancakes at the General Store. For unsocial parents like me who never seem to feel…

Report From Haiti

I have been back in Haiti for a little over a month now. Things have changed some here in Leogane in the time I was gone. More and more temporary shelters have sprung up. Though…

Driving a Red Rental Car Through Willits

The grizzled old philosopher/working man/lifelong confirmed stoner I used to get weed from when I lived in Arcata is being evicted from his sandy little shacked-up trailer in Manila which squats on a tide-soaked marsh…

View Garbage

Do lawn signs help win elections? I sure hope not, but I fear they must, otherwise politi­cians wouldn't waste money littering area roadsides with them. A few years back, I drove the freeway across South…

Oh The Things Our Handlers Propose To Us

Once again it’s time for us warm up for that sacro­sanct American leisure activity, the trip to the polls! But since this journey always incurs a near-blinding storm of unhappily familiar verbiage and wind, it…

Sports Notes

Finally the 49ers won a football game last Sunday after five straight losses. Even though the game versus the Raiders was ugly and sloppy, the 49ers prevailed in Candlestick Park l7-9 to post a 1…

Panther Soccer 2010

Following the season’s disappointing first league defeat, 4-5 to Calistoga the previous Wednesday, and the unfulfilling forfeit made by Tomales in the next game, the Panthers were certainly ready to play and get back on…

Beyond Brown v. Whitman: The Late Great State Of California

California has been depicted as a “failed state”: lead­ing the nation in unemployment, adult illiteracy, lowest bond ratings, the near lowest school scores, most people on welfare, highest number of homes underwater. With most of…


A good story cannot be devised; it has to be dis­tilled.” — Raymond Chandler Before the advent of the interweb, I frequented librar­ies and secondhand bookstores in search of good short stories, my appetite for…
