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Posts published in “Essays”

Pot Forum At the Willits Grange

The Mendocino Medical Marijuana Advisory Board is co-sponsored a three-part medical marijuana meeting on October 2 with the Willits Grange. First was a DA Forum between Lintott and Eyster, moderated by defense attorney Bill McPike.…

Kent State: the First Amendment and the Death Of Innocence

Since the beginning of 2010, the Kent State Truth Tri­bunal has been focused on collecting and understand­ing the truth about the circumstances that surrounded the killing of four students and the wounding of nine others…

Panther Soccer 2010

Last Wednesday (Sept 30th), the Panthers once again were on their travels as they went south to play Rincon Valley Christian, a team that is in the middle of the standings but who always provide…

Sports Notes

I only went to Oregon for a short time to attend my youngest grandson’s first birthday party on the green grass of a park. Callum has red-golden hair that Redford would die for and shoulders…


“Bodies devoid of mind are as statues in the market place.” — Euripides Have you ever seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers? I’m thinking particularly of the 1978 remake starring Donald Sutherland. I remember two…

Hiding Out With Joanne Kyger, Poet Of West Marin

“…the thousand-year sigh in Joanne Kyger’s genius!” — Ed Sanders, “Ode to the Beat Generation”, 2008 Specially For your eyes If you make it this far you are fairly out of danger because now you…

Masturbating on the Edge of the Apocalypse

It’s the merry laugh on the lip of the abyss. Christine O’Donnell, senatorial candidate with her “no hand jobs” program has cast an unfamiliar ray of sunshine over the surreal landscape of American politics. In…

Fair Play For Big Wine

If you entered the word “wine” into the Santa Rosa Press Democrat’s website search tool on September 30, 2010, you’d get 14,388 hits as of September 30, 2010. Here are a random selection of titles…

Oversight Might Be Blind

Valley voters last year grudgingly passed a bond issue worth $15.25 million dollars to fix up our 50-year-old schools. The money does not come without stipulations as to how it might be disbursed. In theory.…
