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Posts published in “Essays”

Mirror, Mirror On The Car…

At the foot of Phoenix Lake there is a small parking lot where people park their cars and walk the last quarter mile to the top of the hill where a great view of the…

Found Object from 1962

Life on the Mendocino Coast was a different affair as the year 1962 began. Montgomery Ward had a store on the corner of 200 East Redwood in Fort Bragg. One could walk almost effortlessly north…

Dam Nation & Woody Guthrie

It is a miracle—even if not as great as the natural one it describes—that a song so simple, so welcoming, so resolute, so reassuring, so optimistic as Woody Guthrie’s “Roll on, Columbia” is not dragged…

Journal of the Plague Year (#12)

Berkeley, CA June 8, 2020 — “Trump called the May jobs report a ‘tremendous tribute to equality’ although it showed that African American employment actually declined last month. And he suggested that George Floyd would…

A Brief History of Navarro

Your remarks about the Navarro Ice House in the May 27 AVA Valley People provoked my own reflections about the place and a multitude of memories of the characters and activities inhabiting the Deep End…

Social Close-ing

Since mid-March I’ve walked between two and three miles day throughout my village of Ross and two adjacent towns. I learned through experimentation three different routes to execute this healthy habit to get me out…

Ross Mirkarimi Remembers Kayo

FG: How did Terence Hallinan come into your life?  RM: I had been an active in the environmental movement and a founding member of the Green Party. and in 1993 I helped draft legislation that…
