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Posts published in “Essays”

Organic Kale in the Time of Plague

Ours is the first generation in history unyoked from the burdens that defined life for those who came before us. Our generation, ushered into a standing civilization in which all life’s bounties are provided and…

Out of Control in Covelo

My ride on the Covid Coaster started on March 25, the day I got back to Covelo after three days down in the Bay. I thought it would take a week to work through it. …

Journal of the Plague Year (#11)

Berkeley, CA June 1, 2020 — Coast to coast, they’re drifting back to campuses, starting this week. From modest institutions like the San Mateo Union School District to medium size campuses like Fresno State to…

The Big River Mystery

Intrigued by the unknown? Does a wisp of mist rolling across the moon's shadow or the hint of heat rising up from a bog on an otherwise chilled winter's eve pique your curiosity? At this…

Plague Music

Were Georg Frideric Handel to be beamed back to earth from the celestial realm he has inhabited since his death two-and-a-half centuries ago, he would soon have a Netflix hit, scores of viral YouTube videos…

The Pro-Pot Politician

Being a lawyer was a practical way to work for peace and social justice in 1967 when Terence Hallinan began his career, because many people seeking to advance those causes were getting busted and needed…

If You Really Loved Me, You’d Die For Me

Love, it has been said, is a many-splendored thing. By Andy Williams and Han Suyin, anyway, who, respectively, sang the song and wrote the book that became the 1955 feature film.  How exactly you splendor…

Carving the Coast

Being a very fortunate guy, I’ve lived within sight of the California Coast my entire life. I’ve also been a reader and collector of books about and/or set in this fabled zone, and one of…
