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Posts published in “Essays”

Meeting Doug Holland

I was going to be up in the Seattle area and wondered what it would be like to meet Doug Holland, who chronicles his daily…

You Must Not Remember This

Over the years we’ve noted a trend in the American language whereby two words are made to substitute for one. I’m sure we’ve missed some…

Johnny Pinches, An Appreciation

We have always considered John Pinches to have been a good supervisor, certainly a much better supervisor than any of his four colleagues when one…

Oscar’s Ring Of Fire

In those rare moments when the real pierces the illusions of Oscar Night, I grip the arm of my sofa, waiting for hidden burner rockets…

Not Thinking About Rocks

One tolerable, humid yet cloudless July morning in the late 60s, the apparent aim was to relocate a buttload of ugly, undistinguished rocks — are…

The Captain & Me [2000]

I have always loved a good sea story. It doesn't matter whether it's fighting a typhoon with Conrad, rounding the Horn with Chichester or kicking…

Oscar & Caesar, Horner & Handel

Just three years shy of his 100th birthday, Oscar hoisted himself off his slab to stand at attention one more time this Sunday evening at…

Mission Bay On My Mind

My medical problem wasn't as grave as Bruce Anderson's (described in the AVA February 28), but I, too, have been impressed by and grateful for…
