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Posts published by “Zack Anderson”

United Shuttle Flight #2023

The day begins inauspiciously. Then gets worse.

Due to bad weather in San Francisco, all United Shuttle flights out of LAX are either canceled or delayed. My own flight is pushed back two hours

The Camera’s Eye

There are two categories of bad films: those which are awful from any perspective, and those that are bearable due to a soft spot in the viewer's heart for the subject matter, the cast, the setting, or the weapons

Spring Loaded

Sometimes, despite the best of intentions, one cannot help but to think of Jesse Jackson. Not the Jesse Jackson of hymietown fame, nor the Jesse…

No Joe, Blackness, and the Meaning of Sweat

Relatively scorching weather has its consequences. It makes one think about life. About how we spend too much of our time worrying about things we…

Spring Hopes Eternal

O the excessive wretchedness! O the cold and sallow breath of moneys grim and monopolistic temper, the libertine specter of suicide curtsying nigh in the…

A Tart Winter

O the two-edged sword of surviving, the melancholy shawl of never having enough when comparing your crude faith to the sublime shades of the bus shelter come-on.

Thoughts While Stuck In a Parking Garage

Friday night, and I figure all the shoppers should be fleeing the city for their own suburban holes and strip malls festooned with plastic santas…

Socio-Math Problems for KZYX Listeners

1. Jill and Karen were given a rottweiler at their commitment ceremony. If their dog needs to be walked two miles a day and they…
