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Posts published by “Zack Anderson”

Holiday Diary

Tuesday 5:01 a.m. — I’m scribbling this in the dark as we drive down 2nd Avenue towards the Midtown Tunnel, so I hope you can…

Self-Help Yourself

Dear Diary: 7:44 a.m. — My analyst says I should keep a diary so I can get closer to my emotions. What a crock. But…

Guilty as Charged

Summer without warmth, the dark cavity that whispers your name, a necrophiliac’s dream: life draining from gray limbs

It’s a Small World Afterall

Summer is on San Francisco’s doorstep, right there with the drunk vagrants lying in their own urine, flyers for a sweet-fluff club called “Sixxteen” touting…

The Consequences of Pink

Pink was not happy. He felt sick inside, sick and angry, and lay on the bed clutching his stomach and rocking back and forth, moaning.…

Infant Huns Invade Living Room

In August during football practice the Boonville sun was brutal, unrelenting. It smacked you upside the head, bloodying your ear and fattening your lip. Its…

A Story of Opening Day

There is no better beginning to a week than watching a baseball game, and there is no better baseball game than Opening Day, that mythic…

Deus Ex Machina

Despite the most beautiful of intentions I find myself a victim once more to idealized conceptions of time and space, the meaning of life, freshly…

Thou Lingering Star

Last week Ellen Hartwell of Fort Bragg asked: “How can a lively, cognizant, compassionate ‘older’ woman find a suitable lover/companion in this post-modern morass of…
