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Posts published by “Turkey Vulture”

Bird’s Eye View (March 15, 2017)

First up this week. “The Trump Thing,” or as it had been known for nearly 250 years up until now, The US Presidency. On this…

Bird’s Eye View (March 8, 2017)

First up again this week. “This Trump Thing,” or as it had been known for nearly 250 years up until now, The US Presidency. To…

Bird’s Eye View (March 1, 2017)

Almost everything below is true, probably around 99% of it is. However, the whole and complete truth is withheld because, as a wise Valley man…

Bird’s Eye View (Feb. 22, 2017)

On Friday’s Real Time episode on HBO, Bill Maher called for a new slogan for these wild times: “Make America Learn Again.” Pointing out the…

Bird’s Eye View (Feb. 15, 2017)

Let’s get things started with The Turkey Vulture’s “Evening Dining in the Valley Bulletin.” Following an invitation only “soft” opening last Thursday, Lizbby’s, the new…

Bird’s Eye View (Feb. 1, 2017)

First let’s have a little recap or, some might say, a disclaimer! For those of you unaware of what this column of “Vulture-journalism” is all…

Bird’s Eye View (Jan. 25, 2017)

Restaurant Report: Lauren’s Restaurant in Downtown Boonville will introduce their first “Natalie’s Sunday Supper” (presented by co-owner Natalie Matson) this coming Sunday evening, January 29,…
