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Posts published by “Turkey Vulture”

Bird’s Eye View (Jan. 11, 2017)

Coming Soon: Big headlines about the Valley’s restaurant situation. Full details next week! Meanwhile this coming weekend we will bid a final farewell to restaurateurs…

Bird’s Eye View (Jan. 4, 2017)

Well 2017 is upon us and may it be happy and healthy for one and all. Any New Year’s Resolutions? These are difficult to maintain…

Bird’s Eye View (Dec. 28, 2016)

How was your Christmas? Did the new sweater fit? Did it still fit after dinner? Did you keep the receipt for your nephew’s broken toy?…

Bird’s Eye View (Dec. 21, 2016)

Merry/Happy Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanza/Holidays or whatever to all of my many hundreds of thousands of readers and supporters. I hope you are coping with all of the…

Bird’s Eye View (Dec. 14, 2016)

I watched the classic movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” for the umpteenth time last weekend. This Christmas fantasy drama film, produced and directed by Frank…

Bird’s Eye View (Dec. 7, 2016)

Let’s go straight to one of my favorite topics: eating out in the Valley, and catch up with this week’s Valley Restaurant Update. There are…

Bird’s Eye View (Nov. 30, 2016)

Quotes of the Week. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, a wise man among many fools I would suggest, responded to the election of the bellicose…

Bird’s Eye View (Nov. 23, 2016)

Happy Thanksgiving and a joyous “Turkey Day” to all! What a great concept and a hearty “well done!” to whoever thought of it (?).  Family,…

Bird’s Eye View (Nov. 16, 2016)

From The Old Buzzard, comes another in his insightful series. “Signs that the Apocalypse is Approaching.” Buzzard reports, “So Donald Trump will be America’s 45th…
