With so much happening here for the Memorial Day weekend, perhaps we should reflect for a moment on the reason why we get this holiday to enjoy all of these events in the first place. It is to commemorate US soldiers who have died while serving in the military.
Posts published by “Turkey Vulture”
The next six months of political discourse in this country promises to be very ugly. Even if Donald Trump’s demeanor becomes slightly more presidential (it could hardly be any less so), he will no doubt continue to provide us with many bizarre and baseless pronouncements that seem to give many of his followers great delight despite frequently provoking harmful conflict and often come without any regard for the facts.
The presidential race is all but set. John Kasich, governor of Ohio and contender for the Republican presidential nomination, followed the Texas senator Ted Cruz by dropping out of the race. Donald Trump said he would unite his divided party and spent the next couple of days lambasting Hillary Clinton.
Mothers Day is this coming Sunday, May 8th, a day we have set aside to show our mothers our love, affection and appreciation. It’s a lovely thing of course but hopefully something we should strive to do every day. Unfortunately we often fall short in doing so.
What kind of new businesses do we need in AV? The answers are usually establishments such as a bank, a tasteful motel, a pharmacy, a dry cleaners, a bookstore, a carwash, a pizzeria, and my own personal choice, a lingerie shop.
Greetings one and all. Are you are sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin. Public Service Announcements. #543. There is a second Barn Sale this month, and every month through the summer, this coming weekend, Saturday/Sunday,…
My recent comments about The Donald and his controversial campaign for the Presidency have resulted in the devil incarnate, Ted Cruz, escaping my Turkey Vulture wrath, rhyme, and reason.