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Posts published by “Todd Walton”

Genuine Praise

“The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with…

Ergo Ego

One of my favorite stories about my ego takes place on my 40th birthday, October 17, 1989. I am riding my bicycle down L Street…

Writing Good

I daresay creativity cannot be taught. Creativity can be engendered, encouraged, cultivated, and supported, but being creative is as natural as breathing, and so to…

Solar School

Mendocino has a spanking new elementary/junior high school on Little Lake Road about a mile inland from the village, and I am happy to report…

The Zen of Non-Delivery, and the Presence Of Absence

Thursday in the village of Mendocino is the day the AVA usually arrives in our post office boxes and at the liquor store (should we need extra copies.) Now and then the AVA is delayed for a day and arrives on Friday.


Our dear friend Quinton Duval died last week at the age of 61, and the world lost a most generous soul and a marvelous poet.…

My Bad

I first heard the expression “My Bad” used on a bas­ketball court circa 1975. The expression most likely came into being among jazz musicians, for…

Big River Spring

The copious rains of 2010 made Big River the big muddy for much of the winter, the beach in late April grandiloquent with new sand.…


Yesterday a tree fell on our car. Fortunately no one was in the car when the wind snapped the top third off the pine tree…
