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Posts published by “Spec MacQuayde”

Farm To Farm

The weather turned out sunny and gorgeous, if a bit breezy, for the 43rd annual “Old Verona Days” festival, this past weekend. Judging by the town's name, you might think it was Italians who first…

Farm To Farm

The country roads in our valley are decorated with blowing cornhusks and broken pumpkins, remnants of crops not intended for human consumption, as the autumn harvest is in full swing. I get a tour of…

Farm To Farm

A steady mist descends from the vague cloud cover, preventing me yet again from ascending the barn roof to repair the flapping, corrugated steel. "You should let me do it," my teenaged son, Craig says.…

Farm To Farm

A week of unseasonably cool weather reminiscent of summer days on the Mendo coast blasted through southern Indiana at twenty miles an hour out of the north, with Canada geese in their V-formations. The prevailing…

Farm To Farm

The rows of green salad bowl and buttercrunch lettuce that I'd planted in the shade of a line of hard maples and shagbark hickories are growing faster than the red salad bowl lettuce out in…

Farm To Farm

Grandpa and Grandma stopped by our little homestead, rolled up the driveway in their luxury sedan, all spiffed up in Sunday duds to offer my teenaged son, Craig, and I a ride to church. “Lupe,…

Farm To Farm

Across the table sat Grandpa in the straw cowboy hat he has to wear these days on account of the skin cancer that developed on his pointy German ears from working out in the sun…
