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Posts published by “Paul Modic”

Goodbye, Mendocino

There is this concept called magical thinking and what it means is when you think something you then believe it is true, illustrated most abjectly by the current magical-thinker-in-chief

A Run to Town

I wanted to break quarantine and make a run up to town for my mail and the Saturday New York Times even though it was…

Neighbors Behaving Badly

There are few things in life worse than your next door neighbor hating you, and you hating him. It's not just a one day thing,…

Ed & Me

Why does Ed Denson get to eat hamburgers, french fries, and a milk shake and I don't? Why does Ed get to live for now,…

New York

I was walking down the street with my friend and a guy asked us for money.

“I can give you some food,” I said. He walked on, then turned back and said, “You got a samwich?”

Outbreak: The Heartbreak Of Psoriasis

This winter of my discontent reminds me of my last health crisis about seven years ago when the scourge of psoriasis inhabited me. I had…

Summer of 72

My friends and I were renting an old farmhouse in Solsbury, Indiana for $45 a month, ice cream cones were five cents in the little…

Travelers Then & Now

When I see the travelers on the street today I think about how different it was when us hippies poured into Garberville in the early…
