Jeanine Nadel, new judge. Most male-type individuals will tell you, as just as many female-type individuals disagree, that plenty of women have hurtled through the glass ceiling in the last thirty years. But in Mendoland,…
Posts published by “Bruce McEwen”
Mr. Ferris Perviance, III, sixty-ish, wearing a dark suit and brown fedora, sat on a bench on School Street. Perviance Three had the resigned air of a man enduring an unearned insult. He was still…
A squadron of gunships came thundering down the Anderson Valley Sunday morning, flying low and fast, in combat formation, racing over the treetops just ahead of their sound-signature. In military parlance, this was a cavalry…
Paul Sequiera earned his Mendo stripes last Friday. He already had lots of stripes from his years as a Contra Costa County prosecutor, but as chief prosecutor here in Mendo, it took Sequiera a year…
The murder trial of Marvin Johnson and Simon Thornton is underway at the Mendocino County Courthouse. Johnson and Thornton are charged as accomplices in the fatal shooting last summer of Joe Litteral, who took a…
Governor Jerry Brown recently appointed two new judges to serve in Mendocino County. Local attorneys David Reimenschneider, and Jeanine Nadel, vetted you can be sure, for political "appropriateness" by California's Democratic Party apparatus and the…
Fort Bragg is breathing a little easier these days. The picturesque little seaside town has managed to get some violent people off the streets, and the cops and the DA have wrapped up Franz Otto…