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Posts published by “Bruce McEwen”

Water Shortage In Weedland

Garberville —Pot growers are hauling water early this year, as regional tributaries to the Eel River are drying up ahead of schedule; that is, a more or less taken for granted schedule, established by growers…

A Flick Of The Bic And…

Back in late June, gasoline prices were soaring near $5 per gallon when a big fuel tanker was topping off the underground tanks at the Redwood gas station in the middle of Covelo. A young…

The Mother Of All Toothaches

She had a toothache the size of Mount Rushmore. It was so bad she needed more than Novocaine, Xylocaine, more than nitrous oxide … more like 28 grams of cocaine and some “crack,” a mix of coke and crank.

Thundercloud Gambini Goes To War

When Mr. Anthony Gambini of 24234 Buckeye Circle in Willits declared war on the United States he was the only one in town who noticed. Gambini kicked off his grand offensive on June 27th when…

Summer Theater, Covelo

They don’t have a playhouse in Covelo. Theater lovers have to travel to the courthouse in Ukiah to enjoy Round Valley's summer rep. “It must be a slow news week,” Justin Petersen said. He was…

Cruel & Unusual Appropriateness

On Friday, July 20th, Marvin Johnson and Simon Thornton were sentenced to prison for the murder of Joe Litteral and the attempted murder of Brandon Haggett. Johnson will do at least 25 years, Thornton 34-to-life.…

The Devil’s Tools

Ed Abbey famously declared, "No matter how bad a situation is, calling a cop can only make it worse." That attitude is widely shared in Mendocino County, especially among people who've never needed some serious, emergency muscle.…
