“I hope you print the truth,” Mrs. Plowright said as this reporter left the courtroom. I didn’t have time to ask what she meant by that remark, but I'll bet she thinks her son is…
Posts published by “Bruce McEwen”
The Fish & Game checkpoint at the Boonville Fairgrounds Sunday morning caused quite a flurry of desperate activity between Boonville and Philo, what with last minute ditchings of illegally taken abalone and vehicles copping sudden…
An LA cop was deer hunting with a 12-year-old kid north of Westport. The cop and the kid didn't know they were in a bush hippy neighborhood. * The LA cop was armed with a…
The dispatcher heard it all, the 911 murder of Jose Madrid by Glenn Hughes. It was recorded live early last New Year’s morning, and replayed in court last week during Hughes’s preliminary hearing. Even the…
A young fellow named Jimmy Allen was sentenced last Friday to four years in prison for vehicular homicide. He'd plowed drunk into another vehicle, killing the woman driving it. The victim’s mother, an elderly Ms.…
Funny how domestic abuse can coincide with tax time.
An estranged couple by the name of Dolan has three or more kids between ’em, and one half of the former couple has been on an above-the-table payroll all year, so there’s a big refund check in the mail box any day now.
So, this guy gives a kid a hug in a Ukiah laundromat and real fast he's a certified cho-mo. “Oh, come on,” you say. “There’s gotta be more to it than that!” No, that’s all.…