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Posts published by “Bruce McEwen”

Overloaded & Overcharged

A Huey came thump-thump-thumping into the Ukiah airport shortly after noon last Wednesday. An under­cover cop wearing digital camos with a Glock 25 pistol riding…

If You Can’t Afford An Attorney…

Having the court appoint you a lawyer is a little like having your wife pick out your girl friend. Don’t expect too much in either…

Public Defender in the Dock

Glenn Sunkett called the other day. He sounded pretty good for a guy who just got 63 years in the state pen for a Fort…

There Are Chomos, And There Are Chomos

A jury has found Timothy Ryan guilty on three counts of child molestation. He'll get 15 years in prison. Everybody says they abhor child molesters, but in Mendocino County penalties depend on who you are.

Book ‘Em, Clown-O!

With the film crews from National Geographic buzzing around in Mendoland last week doing a documentary on the local drug war, all the big shots…

When Life Isn’t A Video Game

We live in a politically correct world. We don’t refer to people in derogatory terms anymore. We don’t call people eejits, and we are especially…

Frequent Flyers

Captain Fathom has gotten out of jail for the umpteenth time. He’d been accused of stealing a car, something completely out of character for the…

Taking It To The Streets

Local judges are all getting a paid holiday for Labor Day, but the clerks and court reporters are not.
