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Posts published by “Bruce McEwen”

On The Eve Of Legalization…

A three-day jury trial ended last Wednesday with a hung jury, but the defendant will be going to prison anyway. Manuel Carl Turchan, 37, ran…

Deputy Massey’s Last Patrol

After 20 years as a Deputy Sheriff in Mendocino County, Orell Massey has retired, although we understand he may return as a jail transportation officer…

This Halloween Story Rated PG

Last Halloween at a pot pharm near Dos Rios, when the costumes came off around midnight, out stepped a real monster, and a major act…

Crime Doesn’t Pay; Neither Does Work

Jewel E. Dyer and James A. Norton, both of Willits, have a lot in common. They’re both astute young fellows with enough acumen to see…

It’s Everyone Else’s Fault

The Bronwen Hanes sentencing early last week proved to be a textbook exhibit of perp denial. All evidence to the contrary, Ms. Hanes, and her volatile boy friend, Tommy Lemons Jr., placed blame for their difficulties everywhere but where they belong — on themselves.

Sending The Message That’s Seldom Received

Judge David Nelson didn’t want to send Jared Soinila to prison for gross vehicular manslaughter — Count One, and Count Two, DUI resulting in great bodily harm — but the judge felt he had to “send a message to the community” that driving under the influence will not be tolerated by the courts regardless of Mr. Soinila having done “everything humanly possible” to show his remorse.

Only A True Gun Nut Knows For Sure

Readers who found it reprehensible that the three Guatemalan nationals caught trimming at a commercial pot grow in Laytonville were charged with cultivation and possession…
