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Posts published by “Marshall Newman”

Time Flies

The older I get, the more I realize the truth in the Latin saying “Tempus Fugit”; time flies. Plus a second truth: “As time flies,…

The Old Man & The Backpack

It is the third week of September and I am at Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite National Park, getting ready to embark on my first backpacking…

The Ones Between

Lately, the ones between have been on my mind. Those folks not the originator in a certain discipline, but who made contributions to it and…

Montana Sojourn

Travel broadens one’s horizons (it also shrinks one’s wallet, but that is a discussion for another day). During the pandemic years, my travel was limited…

The Other Rite Of Spring

Ah, spring. The season when the hills turn green, the flowers pop and, the deciduous trees gain vibrant foliage. It also is the season where…

Spring Turning

After several weeks of hesitation, it appears spring has finally sprung in Northern California. The seemingly endless rains of this winter have finally ended and…

The Once Great, Now Late SF Chronicle

The fact is inescapable; the news media landscape has changed in the 21st century. On television, cable news channels have expanded exponentially and broadcast news…

The Hidden Attribute

Lately my thoughts have turned to attributes; those inherent elements of our being that make us worthy individuals. Some, like beauty, physical strength, intelligence, creativity…

Destination: Yosemite Valley

For each of us, there are places that beckon; places to which we return again and again. No, not the necessary ones – home, work,…
