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Posts published by “Marshall Newman”

Winery Tasting Rooms, The Early Years

Driving through Anderson Valley recently, I realized most of the sheep pastures, mill sites and apple orchards of my youth had turned into vineyards. Those…

Independence Day Afterword

By now, all the red, white and blue bunting has been taken down and stored. The last notes of “The Stars and Stripes Forever” have…

Reasons to Hate Internet News (A Lot of It, Anyway)

Print and broadcast news have gone through a rough patch lately. People today have less time and less inclination to watch the evening news, listen to news radio or read the newspaper…

The Old-Fashioned Watering Can

A drought is a terrible thing; daunting, scary, uncertain and damaging. To mitigate the effects of a drought, we adapt as best we can. We…

Early Boonville

Boonville. The metropolis — relatively speaking — of Anderson Valley, Boonville is both its oldest town and its commercial heart. But like so many aspects…

The Saga Of Yorkville…The Town That Moved

A reader of this publication recently asked about the history of Yorkville. The answer to this innocuous question is a tale that is pure Anderson…

The Lost Hamlets of Anderson Valley

History is full of surprises, even in Anderson Valley. Here, as nearly everywhere, it moves at a seemingly imperceptible pace, until we look back and…

President Trump’s Performance Review

To paraphrase former San Francisco Mayor and former California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown in a recent San Francisco Chronicle column, “From now on, everything President…
