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Posts published by “Marshall Newman”

The Once Great, Now Late SF Chronicle

The fact is inescapable; the news media landscape has changed in the 21st century. On television, cable news channels have expanded exponentially and broadcast news channels have expanded the hours devoted to news. On radio,…

The Hidden Attribute

Lately my thoughts have turned to attributes; those inherent elements of our being that make us worthy individuals. Some, like beauty, physical strength, intelligence, creativity and talent, are lauded – in some cases over lauded…

Destination: Yosemite Valley

For each of us, there are places that beckon; places to which we return again and again. No, not the necessary ones – home, work, markets and the like – but rather destinations where we…

Anderson Valley Tasting Rooms: The Early Years

A couple of months ago, I wrote about my early encounters with winery tasting room in Sonoma County. Back then, I promised to write about the early days of tasting rooms in Anderson Valley. While…

Winery Tasting Rooms, The Early Years

Driving through Anderson Valley recently, I realized most of the sheep pastures, mill sites and apple orchards of my youth had turned into vineyards. Those many vineyards have begat an equally dizzying number of winery…

Independence Day Afterword

By now, all the red, white and blue bunting has been taken down and stored. The last notes of “The Stars and Stripes Forever” have faded into silence. The last advertisements for “4th of July”…

Reasons to Hate Internet News (A Lot of It, Anyway)

Print and broadcast news have gone through a rough patch lately. People today have less time and less inclination to watch the evening news, listen to news radio or read the newspaper…
