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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

The Blather Lamp Is Lit

Most of the news coming out of the County Admin Center is bad. How many more layoffs? How many more cops will have to go? How many more millions of scarce General Fund dollars will…

Things Fall Apart

Negotiations between the County and its largest union, Service Employees International Local 1021, are stalled. The County wants the union to take an across the board 15% pay cut. Period. The Union rightly argues that…

Pinches To Library: ‘If I Die You’ll Be Screwed’

After more than an hour reviewing a series of distasteful options involving major cuts to the county's library system, the Board of Supervisors finally voted at its March 22 meeting to put a 1/8th cent…

Great Moments In Public Deliberation

Date: March 15, 2011. Location: Mendocino County Board of Supervisors Meeting, Ukiah. Subject: The Mendocino County Museum’s declining budget. * * * Board Chair Kendall Smith: Well, I believe— Supervisor John McCowen: Madam Chair. Smith:…

Memo Of The Week

Public Concern over Fallout Related to Nuclear Power Plant in Japan According to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), given the thousands of miles between the two countries, Hawaii, Alaska, the US Territories and the U.S…

Swill Buckets

We’ve heard it many times: Don't you understand? We have no money! The cupboard is bare! It's a structural imbalance! Our ability to borrow is jeopardized! We have no reserves! The Sheriff is overrunning his…

Budget Crisis Notes

The Health and Human Services Department, the County’s largest department, still has a $600k deficit for CalWorks, a $170k deficit for In-Home Supportive Services and a $1.3 mil shortfall in Mental Health — almost all…
