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Posts published by “Malcolm Macdonald”

River Views

I read Bruce Patterson’s recent letter to the AVA with interest, particularly his reference to the possibility of Mendocino Redwood Company turning one of their stagnant mill sites into a biomass fueled power plant. MRC…

River Views

The dog that wouldn’t die and the dog story that won’t quit — that’s what is currently bedeviling the Fort Bragg Police Department. The good news: a long time flophouse/drug house has been cleaned up…

River Views

Last week’s column recounted how Fort Bragg police officer Craig Guydan shot a dog on December 21st, the only officer-involved shooting in the coastal town last year. Guydan also drew his gun on a group…

River Views

On January 7th Fort Bragg police officer Craig Guydan pulled his gun on a group of teens, who turned out to be playing football on the street. Reportedly, Guydan kept the weapon pointed earthward while…

River Views

Last week’s AVA contained a letter to the editor from a spokesperson for a group that calls itself “Friends of Enchanted Meadow (FOEM).” FOEM presently seeks $15,000 in donations for a matching grant to preserve…

River Views

A couple of weeks ago this column took the Sierra Club to task for stating that wolves kill no more than the small amount of cattle that vultures, or buzzards, do. Let me make this…

River Views

In late summer, if you walk west along Madsen Lane in Fort Bragg and follow the dirt road to Madsen’s Hole you can splash across the Noyo River without getting your feet wet. From there…

River Views

I belong to the Sierra Club and support most of the environmental stands they take. However, they also have a way of shooting themselves in the foot, publicly. Take the January-February issue of Sierra magazine.…
