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Posts published by “Malcolm Macdonald”

River Views

By the time this is published I should be back from my second backpacking trip of the summer; unless a bear or snake or foolish…

River Views

On the Fourth of July the branches of the chokecherry trees in the yard bent nearly to the ground, heavy with fruit. The next morning…

River Views

In this time of economic crisis, in this time of war and unrest, would you sign a petition which uses the following provocative language? Whenever…

River Views

The May 30th AVA contained an article describing the bureaucratic mess one person (Gregg Stevens) went through dealing with the Coastal Commission after winter weather…

River Views

The June primary election is behind us. Ravens and blue jays perform stealth attacks on the cherry trees. Summer is here. Schools are out and…

River Views

It’s June and I can see trees falling on the steep slope south of the Albion River, part of a Mendocino Redwood Co. timber harvest.…

River Views

As if the sound of chainsaws in the six a.m. hour wasn’t bracing enough, bare feet on the kitchen floor stepped nearly toe to pincer with a scorpion. There are dozens of species of scorpions; ours are forest scorpions, Uroctonus mordax.

River Views

Your average Mendocino County shopper probably wouldn’t think twice about purchasing naturally flavored incense. The key words are “naturally flavored.” The natural flavor in some incense is castoreum, made from the secretions of the sacs between the anus and the external genitals of beavers.

River Views

Recent River Views recounted the feud between the Frost and Coates families of Little Lake, the 1867 gunfight that killed Elisha Frost and five Coates…
