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Posts published by “Katy Tahja”

Mountain Outin’ To Yellowstone

There’s no sensation like being rocked to sleep in a berth on AMTRAK as the miles fly by to put a relaxing end to a…

North To Alaska

After two weeks spent exploring the northlands I think the funniest thing I saw was a bumper sticker that said “I drove the Alaska Marine…

Lost & Found At Burning Man

While many writers take to print and electronic media to pooh-pooh Burning Man with pronouncements about false values and carbon footprints and financing I personally question whether they have ever actually attended the event.

Berry Picking

There’s nothing like indulging in the late summer pastime of roadside berry picking to renew your appreciation for the free bounty of edibles Mother Nature…

Fire In The Backyard

In Comptche there’s nothing like a wave of fire exploding across your neighbor’s fields headed for your home to instill a love for friends, CalFire,…

An Elder On The Playa

Why, a reader might ask, would a perfectly sensible woman old enough for Social Security allow herself to leave the peace and quiet of Comptche…

Canadian Panorama

Did you ever hear a folk song that stuck with you the rest of your life? A song full of beauty and wonder that spoke…

Mendo Arts…Living Treasures

“Living Treasures” are those elders in a community recognized as having special knowledge, learned over a lifetime, that they share with others. These folks usually…
