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Posts published by “Jim Shields”

People’s Thoughts On Water/Well Ordinance

The past two weeks I’ve written columns about both proposed state legislation and a draft County ordinance dealing with regulating groundwater wells. As I’ve disclosed previously, I serve on the committee that wrote the County…

Supes Ok Well/Water Hauling Ordinance

Since the Fall of 2021, I have served on a committee working under the auspices of the Board of Supervisors Ad Hoc Drought Committee comprised of Supervisors John Haschak and Glenn McGourty. The charge given…

State Considers Regulation of Wells

We officially closed out the precipitation year on June 30 with a very wet total of 47.25 inches, which is 70.5% of our historic normal of 67 inches in the greater Laytonville area. So we…

Making Oil Refiners Disclose Profits

As I reported to you last month, there’s a proposed law that would require oil refiners to disclose their per gallon profits on a monthly basis. The bill recently already passed out of the California…

Supes Drop Water Sales Tax: Fire Tax Only

As they say, all’s well that ends well, and that sums up Tuesday’s (June 21) Board of Supervisors meeting where a decision was finally made ending the Great Sales Tax War. Quick background on sales…

Supes’ Sales Tax Proposal

In last week’s column I explained that three Supervisors, Ted Williams, Mo Mulheren, and Glenn McGourty, are planning to place a sales tax measure on the November ballot. The stated purpose of their proposed sales…

State Weed News

The Governor’s Office this week released a revised 2022-23 state budget proposal, jiggering numerous line item estimates from the original January budget. One of the areas Gov. Gavin Newsom looked at in the so-called “May…
