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Posts published by “Jeffrey St. Clair”

Follow the Missiles

The US has long been Israel’s largest arms merchant. For the last four years, the US has supplied Israel with 69% of its imported weapons,…

The Summer of No Return

The forecast for August 8th was ominous. The temperature in Portland was predicted to breach 100 hundred degrees for the second time in a couple…

She Stoops To Conquer

First things first. I want to apologize to the Sandernistas, to those of you who rose up after your leader abandoned you, after Bernie wiped…

Fukushima Mon Amour

Is the crisis in Fukushima over or just beginning? You might be forgiven for scratching your head at that one. Nearly five years after the…

The Rich Boy: The Art of Trump L’Oeil Politics

The year is 1985. Reagan has just been reelected, but Republican fortunes across the country are waning. The Gipper was beginning to show his incapacities and…

Long Time Coming, Long Time Gone

On the day Pope Francis released his encyclical on the fate of the Earth last June, I was struggling to climb a near vertical cliff…
