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Posts published by “Eric Bergeson”

The 1970s

At a New Year's Eve gathering in Phoenix, a twenty-something kid to whom I had just been introduced looked me over and said, "Man, it…

Bad Christmas Music

It appears that the only way to get away from bad Christmas music is to take refuge in an ice fishing house in the middle…

Starting A Fire

Last week, as the big "L" on the weather map from last week's record low pressure system hovered over the house, I decided it was…

View Garbage

Do lawn signs help win elections? I sure hope not, but I fear they must, otherwise politi­cians wouldn't waste money littering area roadsides with them.…

Summertime Spectacles

It was a warm and wonderful summer that ended last week with the Labor Day holiday. I usually avoid sum­mertime extravaganzas big enough to require…

The Squirrel At The Ballgame

At about noon one day last week, I decided on a whim to head down to see the Twins play the Tigers at Target Field.…

Old Letters

The heat of last week seemed like a good reason to stay inside and sort through junk. Amongst the piles of stuff, most of which…

Ode To Air Conditioning

Willis Haviland Carrier invented modern air condi­tioning in 1902. Although Mr. Carrier probably doesn't deserve a national holiday, an occasional moment of silence in his…

Taurus Trouble

Last week, almost one year to the day after I pur­chased my latest vehicle, the odometer turned over to 30,000 miles. Well, it is a…
