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Posts published by “Daniel Mintz”

Humco Wants Daylight Jail Release

The county is backing a new State Assembly bill that would authorize county sheriffs to allow jail inmates to stay in jail long enough to…

HumCo: Jail Release Dilemmas

A community forum on county jail release policies put questions to a local panel whose members in turn asked residents to consider what they can…

HumCo Considers Homeless “Villages”

Humboldt County supervisors are looking at the possibility of establishing a shelter village for homeless people but they expect churches and community groups to be…

HumCo DA Gallegos Won’t Run For Re-Election

The county’s upcoming district attorney election will have a new dynamic now that incumbent Humboldt County DA Paul Gallegos has announced that he won’t be…

Crab Season To Open

The state’s Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) reports that Dungeness crab in two out of three tested ports in the northern region have met…

Exploring Garberville’s Transient Problem

Following a Sheriff’s Office-escorted tour of Garberville’s transient camps and hangouts, Southern Humboldt Supervisor Estelle Fennell has reported that an effort to launch police foot…

Is Garberville Going To Hell?

The effects of Garberville’s transient population are said to have reached a critical point and merchants have appealed to the Board of Supervisors for help…
