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Posts published by “Alexander Cockburn”

Goodbye, Gingrich?

Sick with disappointment that I missed the Tin-Tin movie showing in Eureka, I had to settle for Obama’s State of the Union and Thursday’s Republican…

Here He Comes Again!

Newt Gingrich is a one-man, made-in-America melt­ing pot. Here’s a committed devotee of tooth-and-claw capitalism, vultures perched on both shoulders, advocate of 8-year old black…

The Deranged Chorus

A Catholic former US senator from Pennsylvania once rated the dumbest man in the US Congress crested Tuesday night in Iowa’s see-saw battle among candidates…

John Walsh, Amy Goodman & Ron Paul

From John Walsh's letter to Goodman, host of Democracy Now!, on the program's coverage of Ron Paul: “I have a bone to pick about your…

Goodbye To 2011, Year Of The Rabbit

January 5 — Torture is now solidly installed in America’s repressive arsenal, not in the shadows where it has always lurked, but up front and…

Thud Of The Jackboot

Too bad Kim Jong-il kicked the bucket last weekend. If the divine hand that laid low the North Korean leader had held off for a…

Farewell To C.H.

I can’t count the times, down the years, that after some new outrage friends would call me and ask, “What happened to Christopher Hitchens?” —…

Obama Rebirthed As TR

When in doubt, wheel on Teddy Roosevelt. It’s in every Democratic president’s playbook. TR was presi­dent from 1901 to 1909. He was manly, ranching in…
