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Posts published by “Alexander Cockburn”

The Myth Of The ‘Knowledge Economy’

“In the 21st century, the best anti-poverty program around is a first-class education,” President Obama famously declared in his 2010 State of the Union Address,…

Massacre Fatigue In Afghanistan

In the wake of the lethal rampage by a US staff sergeant who killed 16 Afghans in the early hours of March 11, the Taliban…

Pardon Power

The Mississippi Supreme Court has upheld two-term Republican Gov. Haley Barbour’s pardons. This quintessential southern good old boy issued 203 of them in January on…

Sunspots & Republicans

Suddenly the right has gone truly crazy. It must be sunspots. We’re three years into sunspot cycle number 24 and it crests in activity with…

Time On The Cross With Rick Santorum

Surely Rick Santorum is the most fanatical Christian to run for the Republican nomination in the modern era, maybe any era. Next to him Pat…

Hypocrisy & Syria

Few spectacles have been more surreal than senior US officials — starting with the President, the Secretary of State and the US ambassador to the…

Goodbye To Afghanistan

The day after the Florida primary, when all eyes were fixed in astonishment on the victorious Gov. Romney expressing his indifference to the sufferings of…
