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Posts published by “Alexander Cockburn”

Prime-Time Coup

Can you imagine if it was the other way round, and it was Bush who’d won the popular vote but lost the electoral college after…

Will Lieberman Take on the Medicis?

LOS ANGELES — It's all working out well for the Democrats. Conventions, like all theatrical events, need dramatic tension before reaching the plateau of what…

The Decay of Letters: Leg-Humping with Tom Wolfe

Someone made the odd, maybe malicious, certainly rash decision to put Tom Wolfe on the right hand side of Harper’s 150th anniversary cover, facing Mark…

Manhunt: Anderson Pursues His Demon

A near-murder mystery, passionate in a leisurely sort of way, is being played out month by month, week by week here on California's North Coast.…

Q&A with Mike Sweeney

Dear Mike Sweeney, Thank you for your prompt response. Here are my questions. I've left a space after each one. If you need more space,…

The Future Past

Let’s pause a moment before we head for the exits. I’m talking about the spectacular, the ludicrous, the humiliating and uproarious discomfiture of the Y2K…

Goodbye to All That

Somewhere around mid-November the Y2K whimpering died down out of sheer exhaustion. Humboldt county is calm. A couple of weeks ago I asked the amiable…

Back to School

Nabbed back in March for speeding in my 1964 station wagon (“I didn’t think this old wreck would go that fast,” the Highway Patrol Officer…

Drugs, School and Killers

Remember Soma? It was the drug administered to the citizens of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. I thought of it as a 15-year-old girl attending…
