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Posts published by “Alexander Cockburn”

My Life as a Rabbi

Asked to a recent wedding in Virginia (it was a family affair on a grand scale), the proud parents asked if I would do some…

What’s the Big Deal about Jayson Blair?

There are so many smellier corpses in the New York Times’s mausoleum, not to mention that larger graveyard of truth known as the Fourth Estate,…

50 Years of James Bond

The most successful saga in postwar popular culture got off to a conscientious start after breakfast on a tropical morning in Jamaica early in 1952.…

Tipping in America

Tip-skimming has surfaced in Boston, and there can’t be a tipper in America who, on hearing the news, doesn’t exclaim, “The greedy bastards!” In a…

When Billy Graham Planned To Kill One Million People

There’s a piquant contrast in the press coverage across the decades of Billy Graham’s various private dealings with Nixon, as displayed on the tapes gradually…

The Prosecution of Petrelis & Pasquarelli

Throwing the book at people is nothing new, but in our post 9/11 world the screws are tightening. Take San Francisco, whose District Attorney is…

Like Enron, Like Social Security

Has the collapse of Enron finally pushed social security “reform” off the political agenda for the foreseeable future? Half the stock in Enron employees' 401(k)…

Christopher, Please, Don’t Sue Henry!

Hitchens writes in Harper’s, and in his new book The Trial of Henry Kissinger, that this same Kissinger is a war criminal. Kissinger responds to…

National Notes (January 17, 2001)

Bill on Al Attending the annual Texas Monthly bash, George W. was asked what he and Bill Clinton had talked about in their White House…
