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Posts published by “Alexander Cockburn”

All the Populism Money Can Buy

Across the country, weekend before last there were anti-war demonstrations, modest in turnout, but hopefully a warning to Obama that war without end or reason in Afghanistan, plus 40,000 more troops to Kabul, is not…

White House v. Fox News: A War Obama Can Win

The jousting between the White House and Fox News is drawing grave warnings from pundits to Obama’s team that this is a losing issue for their man. They quote the old tag, “Never pick a…

Deeper Into The Tunnel

As General Stan McChrystal plans his march on Washington to demand more troops in Afghanistan the antiwar movement lies on the sidewalk, as inert and forlorn as a homeless person in the rain at a…

Teddy Kennedy, Hollow Champion

Teddy Kennedy's disasters were vivid. His legislative triumphs, draped in last week's obituaries with respectful homage, were far less colorful but they were actually devastating for the very constituencies — working people, organized labor —…

The Right Wing’s Prince of Gonzo

The “Prince of Darkness” — aka Robert Novak — who died last week of a brain tumor was the Hunter Thompson of the right, albeit with predictable differences. Thompson, like Rimbaud, espoused a total disordering…

Health Plans & Death Plans

The first illusion to chase off the stage is that the great debate here has much to do with health. So far as public health is concerned, many of the biggest battles were fought and…

Progressive Illusions

In retrospect we can see what a lucky fellow Barack Obama was to have had, during his run for the presidency last year, a radical black pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, as his opponent in…
