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Posts published by “Alexander Cockburn”

The Tweet & Revolution

President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton rushed to contrast the repressive brutality of the Iranian authorities with what they now seek to present as…

The God That’s Failing

Turn on the TV and you hear the predictable bray from predictable types like Mort Zuckerman, Zbigniev Brzezinski, John Bolton and the Israel Lobby passim…

President Gasbag

After watching President Obama’s state of the union, plus the first Republican response to it by Rep Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, and the second response…

Collateral Damage

It’s too soon to say of course, but it really does look as though the Tucson shooter has done Sarah Palin serious damage. A Gallup…

The Tucson Memorial: Politics is Everywhere

Last Wednesday night’s memorial in the McHale Arena at the University of Arizona did strike me as slightly strange, like an Irish wake that had…

Something Had to Give

Six dead and Gabrielle Giffords, a 40-year old congresswoman hanging to life by a thread. In the wake of the lethal fusillade in Tucson Republicans…

Honor the Wiki-Leakers

When it comes to journalistic achievements in 2010, the elephant in the room is Wikileaks. I’ve seen many put-downs of the materials as containing “no…

Making the Rich Happy

Nicely in time for the end-of-year job ratings, Presi­dent Obama has crawled from the political graveyard, where only a month ago wreaths were being heaped…

Nowhere to Go But Up

Can anything be more dismal than prospects for any decent resolution of the Israel/Palestine issue? Seemingly not. The hopes of January, 2009, at the dawn…
