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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Sept. 9, 2021

Interior Thunderstorms | 28 New Cases | 3 More Deaths | Medical Aid | Fair Tip | Salsa Time | Colorful Succulents | Westport Water | Greenwood 1909 | Recycling Plastics | Steam Schooner | Internet Survey | Water Hauling | Old Palace | Danny's Vacuum | Glass Repair | Ed Notes | Doll Factory | Police Reports | Antivax Graveyard | Water Ruling | Yesterday's Catch | Heartbreaking | Close Calls | Lotus Bridge | Code Enforcement | Parallel Earth | Planning Canceled | Dental Display | CA Housing | Ghandi 1938 | Rain Today | Security Questions | Unimaginable Diversity | I Quit

Letters (September 9, 2021)

Joan Burroughs’ article in last week’s paper was so filled with hysteria and inaccuracies, that I thought I should respond just in case any of your readers actually read through that thicket of hyperbole...

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Sept. 8, 2021

Cooler | 126 New Cases | Marguerite Crown | Monoclonal Antibodies | Miles Ahead | Hip Camps | Hooty Spool | Marijuana Widow | Don't Encourage | Watertower Town | Labor Movement | Four Years | Emergency Call | Factory Work | Chainsaw Threat | Ford Goons | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Dr Pitts | Pro-Life Commandments | Usal Store | Priorities Wrong | Swingers | Gig Workers | Trespassers Asked | Abortion Hunters | Side Effects | Moral Mania

Off the Record (September 8, 2021)

DUAL REALITIES or the onset of schizophrenia? Half the country assumes Biden is out of it, a half-step from ga-ga. The other half, as represented…

Valley People (September 8, 2021)

BIG CAT WARNING: “Rancho Navarro - the mountain lions are getting hungry. Our neighbor's cat’s remains were found this morning clearly remnants from a mountain…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2021

Another Warm Day | Navarro Ridge Redbeard | Disotelle's PA | Boonville Water Project | Mystery Egg | Produce Exchange | Ed Notes | Old 101 | Miserable Hypocrites | Eureka Productions | Mendocino Trunk Sale | Prehistoric Flunk | Real Consequences | Usal Wharf | Roederer Drought | Yesterday's Catch | Minneapolis Strike | Climate Class Struggle | Unemployed March | Water Wise | Capone Soup Kitchen | America's Defeat | Dangerous Man | Possibly Forever | Zapata 1914 | Embarrassing Prez | Troops Depart

Redbeard Eludes Capture, Again

Situational awareness for the area of Middle Ridge Road and Navarro Ridge Road in Albion, CA. The large police presence in these areas due to…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Sept. 6, 2021

Warm | Water Plan | Shasta Unclad | Tahoe Reduced | Hyperbole Corrections | FB Hospital | Sister Marguerite | Caldor Report | Above Hendy | Coronavirus Boom | Vax Mandate | Remedy Store | Crow Coal | Jesus Soon | Ed Notes | Threatening Clouds | Laytonville Bear | Portable Prison | Ukiah Howlers | Possum Man | Journalism Matters | Yesterday's Catch | London Squared | Dial 988 | Becoming Parents | Pay Labor | Disco Attack | Willits Bust | Bipartisan Deception | Maacama Fault | Fat Man | Marco Radio | Corporate Grip | Clean Energy | Texas Hanger | Yaz Gig

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Sept. 5, 2021

Warm Smoky | Twin Quake | Pet Clifford | Comptche Firetruck | LR Museum | Placid Navarro | Watercolor Class | Video Magazine | Gualala Matters | Rigged Election | Water Haulers | Hit & Run | Define Corruption | Restaurant Mandate | Larry Spring | Flamingo Hotel | Ed Notes | Silver Spurs | Redwood Preservation | Homeless Arsonists | Yesterday's Catch | Real Enemy | First Class | Flirting Disaster | Little Red | Systemic Dishonesty | Noble Word | Collapsing | Ed Asner | Town Citizen | Texas Hanger | Substance/Style | Vegas Cowgirl | Fire Bills | Dem Picnic | Cherished Beliefs
