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HIGHWAY 128 WAS RE-OPENED AT 3:07PM Friday afternoon, according to the CHP.
A PERIOD OF LIGHT STEADY RAIN is expected this morning, tapering off in the afternoon. Occasional light showers will continue in mainly the interior areas on Sunday. Dry conditions are expected Monday, with moderate rain expected later Tuesday through the end of the work week. (National Weather Service)

TREK II SALVAGE EFFORTS (photos by ace coast photographer Judy Valadao)
The South Noyo Headlands Park entrance to the Coastal Trail continued to be closed at Cypress Street Friday to carry out salvage efforts on the Trek II vessel which broke loose of its moorings and is now beached just below the bluff at the South Noyo Headlands.

Thursday, under the direction of the Coast Guard, the diesel fuel and oil removal was completed by Parker Diving Services using a helicopter to unload the fuel and tanks.

Friday, Global Diving & Salvage will begin the salvage efforts on the vessel. This portion of the process is expected to take up to seven (7) days. Part of the reason for the lengthy time table, is that salvage efforts on the boat can only happen during the 3-4-hour daytime low-tide period. Scott Hynd with Global Diving & Salvage explained that the vessel will be broken or chomped up and removed by a crane that will be located just west of the parking lot at the South Noyo Headlands. Waste Management delivered four (4) dumpsters to the site today. Global is hoping to salvage the engines, which are new and part of a full rebuild of the boat.

For everyone’s safety, we encourage the public to stay clear of the South Noyo Headlands Park and the salvage operations. Todd’s Point/Pomo Bluffs parking lot will continue to be open during the day for those interested in viewing the operations. The Coastal Trail is open and accessible from the North Entrance at the west end of Elm Street adjacent to Glass Beach.

Questions regarding this information should be directed to Tabatha Miller, City Manager, at (707) 961- 2829.
—Tabatha Miller, Fort Bragg City Manager
ON FEBRUARY 28, 2019, at approximately 5:28pm, an as yet unidentified 64 year old man from Woodside was driving his 2006 Chevrolet pickup westbound on Highway 20 near Clearlake, west of Island Drive when the vehicle veered onto the north shoulder of Highway 20, and up an embankment. The vehicle continued out of control and traveled back onto SR-20 and collided with a stone wall on the south side of the roadway. The vehicle broke through the stone wall and overturned into Clear Lake. The driver did not survive the traffic collision. The identity of the driver is pending next of kin notification. The cause of this collision is under investigation. At this time, it is unknown if alcohol or drugs were a factor.
(CHP press release)
JOHNNY SCHMITT of the Boonville Hotel. "We lost another chunk of the backyard at the hotel… At this rate the hotel will be riverfront soon, scary! Never had a problem till they did the temp work at the bridge, completely changed the course of the creek right into our property… Coincidence.
RAMPAGING ANDERSON CREEK has closed the first bridge over Lambert Lane and taken another hunk of Boonville Hotel property and is again threatening Ricardo Suarez's Redwood Drive-in parcel. The hundred or so residents who live west of the bridge must enter and exit via the Boonville Fairgrounds.
HIGHWAY 253, less than a mile from its junction with 128 (at the Boonville end) nearly slipped entirely away. A stop light has been installed during what is certain to be a long-term restoration project. Farther up the hill, slides continue to slide.
CALTRANS should be quicker to close the gates on 128 at Flynn Creek and at Highway One. Last Monday night, after a day of hard rain, it was obvious the Navarro was going to flood at some point after 6pm or so. But the gates still weren't closed by 10pm when a couple headed for the Coast almost drowned in the attempt.
I'M SURE I'm not the only person who wonders at all the vehicles swamped in the lower Russian River area, from Guerneville to the sea. Every media was warning that the Russian would seriously flood, but there they were, several hundred vehicles left to ruin.
COHEN, TRUMP'S former consiglieri, is nearly as pathetic as Trump's hoped-for judicial fixer man, whining Kavanaugh, both of them invoking their families as evidence of their basic goodness.
BEATS ME how even the nuttiest of the gun nuts could oppose federal background checks on all gun sales, not that the gun horse long ago fled the ammo barn. But federal scrutiny, cursory as it's likely to be, might preempt a few mass killers.
A FRIEND just back from Costa Rica says Ukiah's streets are in worse shape than CR's. Used to be enough public money to do some public good but, as Warren Buffett among other oligarchs points out, he and the rest of his class aren't taxed enough to even begin dangerously delayed infrastructure upgrades. The big hike in taxes on big money suggested by AOC wouldn't even kick in until $50 mil or so, and what's 70 percent of 50,000,000? Golly, leaves hardly enough for walking around cash.
THE PROFESSIONALIZATION of sports all the way down to the Little League level is simply more evidence that we've lost our way. Boonville High School funds an athletic director, as do most of the tiny school districts of the Northcoast outback. The AD's task? Scheduling ball games and refs. And it's common to see a half-dozen nuts with headphones on the coaching sidelines at high school football games. And lots of parents ought to be banned from the ballpark, yelling at refs and carrying on like idiots younger than the young people playing the game, resulting in whatever it was that happened the other night when Hoopa traveled to Arbuckle on I-5 to play a basketball game. Hoopa got big time home-towned, with the refs calling 12 fouls on Hoopa in the last quarter of a close game, giving the game to Pierce. There was pushing and shoving post-game and the cretinous principal of Pierce challenged a Hoopa player to a fight. And an 83-year-old man from Ukiah got pushed over and had to be hauled off to the emergency room to be checked out. (He was uninjured.) This kind of thing happens all the time, and is inevitable when adults take over kid sports.
SO, I'm making the rounds, delivering my newspaper to its Anderson Valley venues on another Wednesday morning. I exchange pleasantries with friends and acquaintances as I go until I reach the Navarro Store, my last stop. A disheveled figure resembling an upturned laundry basket shuffles towards my trusty vehicle, the Silver Bullet, a '97 Honda just turned 289,000 miles with only one blown water pump in all the years. I'm hoping to calibrate my exit with the Silver Bullet's, and we both seem on track. It occurs to me I might like to be buried in my beloved transportation but the logistics of the interment might vex my heirs and assignees. Anyway, so this guy — stringy hair falling down in front of his engrimed, bearded face, installs himself at my car window and says, "Well, well. It's Mr. Excitement. Still putting out that rag?" He isn't smiling. He lingers. And lingers while I count out twenty-five papers for the store. My dander is up. "Still a registered sex offender, droopy drawers? Move along, please. I'm working." I totally pegged him for a hostile, hence the return fire. He moves back a step as I swing open my door. "I just wanted to say hello, Bruce. Jesus, you don't have to be such a prick about everything." And then I recognized him, a guy I hadn't seen in years. He really hadn't intended to insult me. "Sorry," I say. "Good to see you, Droop. Really."
CANNABIS AD HOC Committee To Hold Community Meetings In Willits, Fort Bragg and Covelo On Revisions To The County's Cannabis Cultivation Ordinance
The Board of Supervisors Cannabis Ad Hoc Committee will hold community meetings in Willits, Fort Bragg and Covelo to provide residents with an opportunity to hear a brief update and share their recommendations with the Ad Hoc Committee regarding potential revisions of the County’s Cannabis Cultivation Ordinance (Code Section 10A.17 and 20.242).
On January 22, 2019, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors created a Cannabis Ad Hoc Committee, consisting of Supervisors John McCowen and John Haschak, to review the County’s Cannabis Cultivation Ordinance and report back to the Board with recommended revisions to address local conditions and concerns
The Cannabis Ad Hoc Committee will be hosting three public community meetings at the following locations:
Willits Community Meeting
When: Wednesday, March 6, 2019
5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Where: Willits Community Center
111 E. Commercial St., Willits, CA 95490
Fort Bragg Community Meeting
When: Thursday, March 7, 2019
5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Where: Fort Bragg Veterans Hall
360 N Harrison St., Fort Bragg, CA 95437
Covelo Community Meeting
When: Friday, March 8, 2019
2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Where: Covelo Community Center
23925 Howard St., Covelo, CA 95428
For more information, please contact the Mendocino County Executive Office at (707) 463-4441 or ceo@mendocinocounty.org.
ROAD CONDITIONS, Mendocino County
Route 1 (3.5/5.5) - AT&T has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work from Road 8067 to Fish Rock Road will end on Friday, March 1. One-way traffic control will be in effect 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Motorists should anticipate 5-minute delays.
Route 1 (47) - PG&E has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work near Little River Airport Road on Wednesday, March 6. One-way traffic control will be in effect 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Motorists should anticipate 5-minute delays.
Route 1 (75) - Emergency work at Blue Slide Gulch will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 5-minute delays.
Route 20 (39/44) - Emergency work from Road 260 to Old Lake County Road will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. weeknights. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.
Route 101 (35/39) - Emergency work from Reeves Canyon Road to Ridgewood Ranch Road will continue. Lane closures will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.
Route 101 (105) - Emergency work north of Piercy will continue. Lane closures will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate minor traffic slowdowns.
Route 175 (8.5/9) - Emergency work at Lake County Line will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect 24 hours a day. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.
Route 271 (17.9) - Bridge work at McCoy Creek Bridge will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. weekdays. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.
(Ed note: Caltrans is a bit tardy noticing what everyone in Anderson Valley has known for two days: Highway 253 is under major repair near the junction with Highway 128 and one-way traffic control is in effect.)
CATCH OF THE DAY, March 1, 2019

OSCAR ALVARES, Cedar City/Redwood Valley. DUI.
DAVID AVALOS, Willits. Failure to appear.
DYLAN BECK, Ukiah. Grand theft, counterfeiting, stolen ID, stolen vehicle, probation revocation. (Frequent Flyer)
HUNTER CASEY, Fort Bragg. Domestic abuse, domestic battery.

BRANDON CUMMINS, Guerneville/Ukiah. Suspended license, material obstructing driver’s view, evasion, failure to appear.
RANDALL JENNINGS, Westport. Failure to appear, probation revocation.

BRITTANY KISTLER, Anaheim/Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-alcohol.
JEANNETTE LONG, Ukiah. Burglary, grand theft, ID theft/credit, counterfeiting, disobeying court order, offenses while on bail, conspiracy, probation revocation.
STEPHANIE LYLE, Ukiah. Domestic abuse.

JOHN MENDOZA, San Juan Capistrano/Ukiah. DUI, assault with deadly weapon not a gun, evasion, suspended license.
DELAINA MORGAN, Ukiah. Domestic abuse.

JUAN ROMANO-HUERTA, Ukiah. no license, false ID.
VINCENT SOTO, Laytonville. Giving pot to a minor, employing a minor to sell marijuana, proceeds from drug transactions, armed with firearm in commission of felony, pot possession for sale, pot sale, substance similar to toluene, other unspecified offenses.
THOMAS TACKITT, Laytonville. Probation revocation.
CLAYTON TETERS, Ukiah. DUI, smuggling controlled substance or alcohol into jail.
by James Kunstler
I suppose Mr. Trump dangled visions of North Korea’s future as a Buick showroom and the mysterious Kim Jong Un detected some kind of trap there. A correspondent with military intel credentials writes: “[Eric] Hoffer’s observation that people only revolt when things are getting better seems applicable to DPRK. I can only assume that Kim and his cabal in NK know this or somehow instinctively understand it. In short, as I see it, he can’t afford to let things get really better for North Korean people. So, I believe Trump’s carrot of great economic success for DPRK’s people probably scares Kim badly.”
It was certainly hard to imagine the two leaders in conversation: The President with his larval vocabulary and Mr. Kim in his life-long solipsistic haze. Perhaps they compared hair-dos, both equally strange, would you not admit? Something tells me that Mr. Kim is not a golfer, so that was out as an icebreaker, though it’s said he does enjoy firing artillery at human targets — one thing that Mr. Trump has not been accused of by former consiglieri-turned-pagliaccio Michael Cohen. Perhaps Mr. Trump let Mr. Kim in on the glorious beauty of an American Cheeseburger, a sure-nuff wonder of the world!
In any case, the US president trundled home without nailing that ol’ coonskin to the wall, as one of his predecessors put it, but the game isn’t over. For now, it’s back to war on the home front against the armies of Wokesterdom. That movement appears to be floundering a bit too now as Jussie Smollett whirls down the memory hole, and #MeToo sputters, and the various congressional committees scrape the bottom of every barrel for the always-elusive triumphal “gotcha” in their crusade to correct the 2016 election. The fishy barrel that Michael Cohen came out of provided disappointingly thin sludge, so now The New York Times (official playbill of Wokesterdom) informs us that next up they’ll be hauling Mr. Trump’s financial officer, one Allen Weisselberg, into the star chamber for a ‘splainin’ session. Pretty soon, they’ll make the amazing discovery that the New York City construction scene is run by the mob. Won’t that be a revelation?
Let’s face it, March is a month that drips with fraughtness. Everybody is good and goddam sick of winter, yet it lingers sadistically, not unlike the Mueller investigation. Then, you get to the middle of the month and what’s there? The sinister Ides, an age-old ceremonial turning point of the year recognized by the ancients even before Julius Caesar got whacked in the Roman senate. I propose that mid-March this year will be the occasion of so many shoes dropping that Washington will look like a road show of Shuffle Along.
Everybody and his/her/zhe/they’s uncle expects Mr. Mueller to cast down his report from on high. In a non-Bizarro world it would be a catalog of indictments for most of the FBI executive leadership circa 2016-2018, and a few cherries-on-top from the DOJ, CIA, and the DNC. More likely, it will be a stuffed, roasted rump of innuendo drenched in Russian dressing garnished with rinky-dink “process” crime convictions. One way or another, it’s sure to disappoint the minions of Wokesterdom.
But once that’s out of the way, more interesting action may be in the offing. Mr. Trump, despite all the Twitter bluster, has at least patiently held back on declassifying reams of documents pertaining to official misconduct by many of the investigators themselves, perhaps even Mr. Mueller and some of his colleagues. I expect a steady and measured release of that classified material, and it will tell a tale that may even startle the Wokesters out of their dark raptures.
Nobody knows exactly what the new attorney general, Mr. Barr, might do. So far, he has not done anything. I will be surprised if that continues. He is probably also waiting for the Mueller report before he starts dispatching folks to grand juries, perhaps even a former president, and certainly some of his foot-servants and handmaidens. Upcoming too are actions by the DOJ inspector general, Mr. Horowitz, federal prosecutor John Huber’s forgotten commission, and the reappearance of General Flynn in Judge Sullivan’s DC courtroom.
March is also looking like the moment when the financial world starts rockin’ and rollin’ on the recognition that the global economy has stalled. The fantasy of economic triumph is the one float that the Golden Golem of Greatness has been able to parade around on. Both the real estate markets and the car business have gone south now, and the financial entanglements entailed by them, in the form of securitized mortgages and loans, are janky enough to start blowing up pension funds, insurance companies, and state treasuries just for starters. The complacency on Wall Street ought to be a prime signal for the sentient to duck-and-cover.
(Support Kunstler’s writing by visiting his Patreon Page.)
"COLD, AND VERY HUMID, in the Park, So You Really Feel It"

(Photo by Harvey Reading)
JIMMY DORE interview with author/economist Michael Hudson
UKIAH UKE FEST with Workshops & Jams plus Evening Show featuring Daniel Ward & Heidi Swedberg, Janet Lenore & Jeff Davis, Sheridan Malone, Ukiah Uke Tones, & special guest Alex de Grassi
Mendocino Community College, March 30, 2019
1000 Hensley Creek Rd, Ukiah, CA 95482
Workshops are in Recording Arts, Piano, and Choral music rooms.
Opening jam and Evening show are in Lowery Library Little Theater
In Clearlake
Lake County Record-Bee: County to streamline cannabis ordinance

(But that’s Bernie’s backyard)
Wildlife Film Fest highlights Native wildlife protectors
The International Wildlife Film Festival Tour continues at the Ukiah Civic Center on March 8th with the theme "Keepers of the Earth," films focused on conservationists who are working in their native lands to save species threatened with extinction. The evening begins at 6:15 p.m. with snacks and live music by Steve Hahm and members of the Back Porch Project. The films begin at 7 p.m.
The featured film, “Saving Warru,” (60 min.) showcases the warru, or black-footed rock-wallaby, one of South Australia’s most endangered mammals. The Warru Recovery Team was formed to help save this precious species from extinction. A remarkable adventure of conservation and culture unfolds as the indigenous people of the wild red deserts of Australia fight to save a national icon.

Two short films will also screen. “The Firefox Guardian” (14 min.) introduces a small village in Nepal where a native woman steps up as an unconventional warrior to change the unfortunate fate of the red pandas in her community forest. As the first female forest guardian, she takes us on a mesmerizing journey through remote bamboo jungles, scaling the mighty Himalayan wilderness into the hidden world of red pandas. “The Firefox Guardian” received Best Student Film award in the 2018 International Wildlife Film Festival in Missoula, Montana.
In “Clay Bolt” (4 min.), a natural history and conservation photographer for World Wildlife Fund named Clay Bolt explains how and why he focuses on the 99 percent of life on earth that is smaller than your finger.
Films take place at the Ukiah Civic Center at 300 Seminary Avenue. Tickets are available at Mendocino Book Company or at the door for a suggested donation of $10 for adults and $5 for children.
This film series benefits the Redwood Valley Outdoor Education Project (RVOEP), a special program of the Ukiah Unified School District serving over 2,000 students each year. To learn more about the RVOEP and see a full film schedule visit www.rvoep.org. For further information contact Maureen Taylor, RVOEP Education Coordinator, at 707-489-0227.
NORTH BY NORTHWEST (1959) @ Coast Cinemas
Alfred Hitchcock's North By Northwest will be the first film screened to inaugurate Mendocino Film Festival's monthly Classic Films Series. Come out and see this masterpiece of suspense on the big screen as it was truly meant to be experienced… in VistaVision!
Film screens @ 7:00PM Wed, March 6th. All tickets are $10 available now @ Coast Cinemas (CASH ONLY) or see below for advance sales.
Advance Tickets Online -
Thank you Piaci Pub & Pizzeria for sponsoring North By Northwest. Thank you to our media sponsor KOZT.

I am delighted and honored to announce that the keynote speaker at the 2019 Mendocino Coast Writers' Conference will be the incomparable, fearless, infinitely-laureled poet Sharon Olds. General registration opens tomorrow, March 1. Won't you join us on the coast? More info at http://mcwc.org.

Lisa Locasio
NEW BILL ATTEMPTS TO FORESTALL Thousands of Temporary State Cannabis Licenses Expiring
"[B]ecause their temporary license is about to expire, and because of the inability to extend their license due to existing state law, they could be forced into the black market."

At last night’s Board of Ed meeting, one of the board members who happens to be a teacher in another district brought up the idea of our school making additional income by offering pre-care and after care programs. She went on to say that if we had enough enrollees we could pay a $60k salary to a teacher with the proceeds. Funny, but that is not how it works, is it? Where I work, we have a large “Child Learning Center” (daycare) with a long waiting list. We are in the process of expanding the facility to take advantage of the huge and growing demand for child care. As more and more parents work more and more low paying jobs, taking care of the children pays better and better. But in order to make it pay, you have to hire caregivers at the lowest rate possible, all part time with no bennies for it to be profitable.

by Dan Bacher
SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Jim Frazier (D-Discovery Bay) has introduced a bill, AB 1194, that would would add four voting members, appointed by representatives of the Delta region, to the Delta Stewardship Council. The four additions would increase the Council’s voting membership from seven to 11 — and address a great injustice in the absence of Delta residents from the could.
Legislation signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger 10 years ago created the Delta Stewardship Council to develop the Delta Plan and manage the plan after its implementation. However, residents of the Delta region are barely represented on the Stewardship Council, even though it makes decisions that affect the economy and environmental health of the Delta region and the everyday lives of the people who live here, according to Fraser.
“My goal is to ensure appropriate representation for Delta communities in matters that come before the Stewardship Council for decisions,” said Frazier, who is a co-chair of the Legislative Delta Caucus. “Currently only one member, the chair of the Delta Protection Commission, lives in the Delta region.”
“It is absolutely essential that Delta residents have a voice in determining the future of this region,” said state Sen. Bill Dodd (D-Napa), who co-chairs the Delta Caucus with Frazier.
Of the four new voting members that AB 1194 would add, one would be appointed by communities in the primary zone of the Delta, one by communities in the secondary zone of the Delta, and two more, according to their expertise, by the five Delta counties, according to Frazier
Frazier’s bill would also add two additional non-voting members to the Stewardship Council: one sitting state assemblymember and one sitting state senator, appointed by leadership of these bodies.
“These changes would align the Stewardship Council’s membership with the rules governing the other two Delta agencies, the Delta Protection Commission and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy,” according to Fraser, whose district encompasses a large portion of the Delta.
Five members of the Delta Legislative Caucus are coauthors of AB 1194.
The bill was introduced at a critical time for the Delta and West Coast fisheries. In his state of the State on February 12, Governor Gavin Newsom called for an end to Jerry Brown’s Twin Tunnels, but said he supports one tunnel.
“I do not support the Water Fix as currently configured,” said Newsom in his state of the state address. “Meaning, I do not support the twin tunnels. But we can build on the important work that’s already been done. That’s why I do support a single tunnel.”
Assemblymember Frazier (D-Discovery Bay) said Governor Newsom’s “denunciation” of the twin tunnels project is a “step in the right direction.”
“I’m grateful Governor Newsom has been willing to listen to local stakeholders in the battle for the future of the Delta. His unequivocal denunciation of the twin tunnels project is a step in the right direction. I look forward to working with the governor to convince him there are alternative water delivery solutions that are economical and can be delivered in a timely manner, nullifying the need for even a single tunnel,” said Frazier.

MEMO OF THE AIR: Good Night Radio, 9pm tonight (Friday, March 1) on KNYO Fort Bragg (and KMEC Ukiah), live from 325 N. Franklin, next door to the Tip Top bar.
Deadline to email your writing to be read on the air tonight is around 6:15, 6:30-ish. If you're not done by then, send it whenever it's ready and I'll read it next week. Or call and read it on the air yourself: 962-3022. Or visit, if you're in town. Just walk in. Bring your musical instruments, legal dispute, evidence of psychic attack, hand puppets, whatever.
And tell your friends about Memo of the Air: Good Night Radio, every Friday, 9pm to 5am on 107.7fm KNYO-LP Fort Bragg, and 105.1fm KMEC-LP Ukiah. Also there and anywhere else via http://knyo.org
A few amusements for while you wait:
Pagan Island.
If you ever start feeling all full of yourself because of how very clever you are, glance at something like this:
And something I learned just today: the Plain of Jars is an actual plain of thousands of actual giant stone jars. To this day, no-one knows what the giant stone jars were for, and figuring that out is complicated by even more thousands of unexploded bombs left over from the U.S. war on Southeast Asia. What a world, hey?
Marco McClean, memo@mcn.org, https://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com
Networking online late Friday night in Honolulu, to return to Washington, D.C. to be present at the Peace Vigil across the street from the White House, and also to be a presence at the U.N. in NYC. Those who cannot offer me anything are in solidarity with me, but have no resources to share, and those who have plenty and ought to be in solidarity with me don’t respond. Is there anybody else in postmodern America that I need to inform that only a fool believes that he or she is the body and the mind? Anybody else in postmodern America that does not yet realize that he or she is the Immortal Self, or the True Nature, or Pure Spirit? Email: craiglouisstehr@gmail.com
“Is there anybody else in postmodern America that I need to inform that only a fool believes that he or she is the body and the mind?”
The Plaine des Jarres was the scene of some of the most brutal combat of the Indochina War, as the Hmong fought the North Vietnamese on America’s behalf.
The U.S. also bombarded the Plain of Jars, incessantly, leaving lots of unexploded ordnance behind. It’s unfair to blame the damage on the Hmong.
New Song For The Ukulele Fest
Dedicated to Craig in Honolulu
D Maj. Bass quarter-notes , 4/4 time
Bongo-bongo, ukulele, one more tot of rum
Bongo-bongo, ukulele, one more nip o’ rum
Pass the bong and you can lay me, if you give me some… (coda)
Bongo-bongo, ukulele et cetera, so forth and so on into infinity…
Actually, we just finished up the Saturday night Plumeria Alternative Hostel BBQ (located across the street from the Hookah Lounge on Piikoi Street). Although I enjoyed an alcohol free “Third Eye” kombucha drink, it is true that the beverages were plentiful reflecting the island culture, and the sound system was superb, including karaoke singing, and the scent of island herbals was in the air. But it’s the cool trade winds that are the real seducers. And the stunning sunsets. And the late shows at the Blue Note Jazz Club at Waikiki. More bongos. More ukuleles. More! More!! More!!! ~Mahalo~
Another great article by “Never Trumper” James Kunstler. I admire him for not letting his personal biases stop him from writing about the way things really are. His hatred for Trump is clear but it don’t let it blind him from the truth.
James Marmon MSW
I really enjoyed Trump’s CPAC speech this morning. He compared himself to the late great President William McKinley by calling himself the “Tariff Man”.
When McKinley, one of Trump’s favorite Presidents, was running in 1896 on a platform of prosperity, protection, and patriotism, he said he is ‘a tariff man standing on a tariff platform.’ What McKinley did when he got elected [was] put in strong tariffs and a realigned the currency. It actually not only set off tremendous catalytic growth, but also helped realign the Republican Party.
God Blessed Presidents Trump and McKinley
James Marmon